Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Big City VS Small Town

Hazim Alkadi
Intermediate1 R/W

      I prefer to live in big city because there is a big difference between the big city and small town. Such as schools, markets, shops, streets and houses. Also you will see skyscrapers in big cities only. For example In the big city you well find the schools is development of more than in small town, and you will find in the big city all your needs in the markets or shopping. In the big city always the hospitals is The largest and Better in small town. However I prefer to live in big city because I love to meet a new people, and I love a to see a skyscrapers, I like to ride by car to go everywhere in the big city. but in small towns it is very quiet, narrow streets, no skyscrapers in small towns no big markets or big hospital. in small towns there are a few of people their, you will know every one in small towns. Finally it is true that the small town close to everything is quiet, but I love to see his long buildings.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

To keep your teeth healthy

Hazim Alkadi
Intermed 1
     To keep your teeth healthy you have to following thes steps.First you have to brush your teeth every day,three times less in the day and after eating.Second dont eat too much candy.next chech your teeth every six months in your Dr.Finally if you follow this steps you will have a beautiful teeth.

4 Ways to be a good student

Hazim Alkadi
Intermedat 1
      Thers 4  ways to be a good student.First to be a good student should com to class on time, wake up an hour before the class,eats your breakfast ,walking to the clas early to be on time, walking to class is exercises for your body and mentally active ,actively to start yor day.Second  do your homework on time, you should do your homework, when you finish class go your home and do your homework early you will relax,and you will understand what you take in your class.Give the teacher your homework in time.Third you shuld give the teacher attention,be a partisipate in class, speek wheth tha teacher.Finally study in your home every day

Friday, April 8, 2011

War in lebanan

Hazim Alkadi
Intermediate 1  R/W

An unforgettable experience in my life was beginning of tha war .My friends and I we were in Lebanan in and we were at home at 6 am our house at the top of the mountains and wee saw the first exlosions frome our house . First no one of ass realized what was happening was a big explosion in front of our eyes .Next we opened the tv to see if is true that we saw ofter that we discovered at the beginning of war .Then we called awae family to let them now whe are good and nothing happened to us so ofter we called awae family we decided to sit at home and saw the news, we sat in the house three days nothing has changed so we decided to se how we can get out of thes canter .Finally we called awar embassy and thy told us to come to them so we tried to find a taxi, but is very hard to find a taxi in time of war but we find and we gevem 500 $ to take as to awar embassy .Finally the embassy  helped us to get out of  Lebanon in time of war.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Father

Today I will write about my father and how he influenced me. When I was small I am always with my father all th etime ,and sometimes he takes me with him to travel, and see how he doing him business. Sometimes when I do'not have school he takes me with him to he's own business. He have a big Printing Press thes is hes  business when I go there I always proud because this place is  for my father. When I grew up and knew how he do hes own business. He gev me everything  so do not ask for one. Now, when I grew up and graduated from the school he sent me to to America, at his own money to I learn English and income to university.And was admitted to the university and graduate.I want to be successful and to graduate, because my father did everything for me.and  I have to do thes for my father.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

To introduce myself

My name is Hazim Ibrahim Alkadi, and I am from Saudi Arabia.  My first language was Arabic, and now I speak a little English.  I was born in the city of Riyadh.  My parents, brothers and sisters live in Saudi Arabia.  Both of my sisters are married and have a family, and my older brother is also married and has a family of his own.  I went to school in Riyadh, and my favorite subjects were math, anatomy and chemistry.  My hobbies in Saudi Arabia were playing soccer and camping.  I also love to travel and I have been to many countries including, Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Kuwait, and Germany.   When I lived in Riyadh I worked as a ticket agent for many airlines at the airport.  I want to learn English and study in America to experience another culture.