Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Big City VS Small Town

Hazim Alkadi
Intermediate1 R/W

      I prefer to live in big city because there is a big difference between the big city and small town. Such as schools, markets, shops, streets and houses. Also you will see skyscrapers in big cities only. For example In the big city you well find the schools is development of more than in small town, and you will find in the big city all your needs in the markets or shopping. In the big city always the hospitals is The largest and Better in small town. However I prefer to live in big city because I love to meet a new people, and I love a to see a skyscrapers, I like to ride by car to go everywhere in the big city. but in small towns it is very quiet, narrow streets, no skyscrapers in small towns no big markets or big hospital. in small towns there are a few of people their, you will know every one in small towns. Finally it is true that the small town close to everything is quiet, but I love to see his long buildings.

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